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Potential 30 gallon ideas


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I have finally saved up enough money to get a 30 gallon tank but an still debating what I should stick it with ,considering either Tiger barbs or harlequin resporas both would be species only .thoughts one this idea. Open to other suggestions 


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On 11/24/2021 at 7:28 PM, JettsPapa said:

I considered getting tiger barbs at one time, but then I saw some mature ones in a display tank at a local fish store.  Unlike most fish, I think the young ones look much nicer.  Other people certainly may disagree.

I didn’t even know there was a difference, they all look pretty cool to me

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On 11/24/2021 at 8:34 PM, Colu said:

I think a nice group of cherry barbs you get nice colour contrast between male and female cherrys barb's


They are a little bigger then tiger barbs tho right?, so would I still have space to have a school

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