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What bottom feeders can I put my Multies?

James V.

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I am new to Multies, and I’m starting a colony of them. I was wondering if it’s okay to put mystery/Nertie snails in with them to help clean up.

I’ve seen several different answers, so I thought I would come to the experts 😁

would a pleco be okay or no?

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I’ve had good success with Brevis and snails. I’ve got nerites. Mystery snails didn’t work out, I think those antennae are just too tempting. 
Id avoid plecos and synodontis cats, they occupy the same spots in the tank, just like the mystery snails those barbels will just be too tempting. And they’ll probably get some fry which is half the fun of shellies. 

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I remember @Cory talking about how he used Malaysian Trumpet Snails with his Multies in the past. They churn up the substrate and hide in the substrate till lights out. He also had guppies in with them. They tended to stay near the top and when they dropped fry, they made a nice snack for the Multies below. If you’re not into that, you don’t have to do it, but I thought I would just suggest it. 

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Plecos in my experience didn't work. Malaysian trumpet snails did. This is assuming the tank is a smaller size like 55g an under. If it's a huge tank and you can keep them to their own like 3 ft area. You could maybe pull off some other bottom dwellers. If the tank is taller, like a 29 gallon, i've been able to do dwarf neon rainbows and guppies before.

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