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epistylis Treatment


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I posted here a couple of days ago that I thought my fish had ich but now after more research im confident it is epistylis (the pic I posted) , because the white dots are different sizes and not flat to the body.

I already started treating for ich but reading online it does say ich treatments do not work for epistylis.

should I stop ich treatment do water change and treat with something else?

I only have access to seachem, tropical ,tetra and aquasafe products

any advice appreciated!



in the tank is

3 bristlenose (all have the white spots)

endlers (no spots but clamped fins on some)

neo shrimp (all good)

wayer parameters

Ammonia 0

nitrite 0

nitrate 10

ph 7.8



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  • 5 months later...

How did this turn out for you @SKAVENCLOWNLOACH? I know this is an old post, but my pleco is showing very similar spots and I'm about to start treatment after a water change tonight.

@Colu do these kinds of spots look like epistylis for you? I figure I can do an active ich treatment while I'm feeding kanaplex in food.

Edited by laritheloud
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On 5/7/2022 at 7:50 PM, Colu said:

As their more raised instead of flat against the body would lead me to suspect Epistylis @laritheloud

Tomorrow is fast day. I put Ich-X in the water and I'll change the water again tomorrow and add another round of Ich-X. I have medicated feed prepared (Kanaplex in Repashy + medicated flakes). Fingers crossed!

EDIT: I also added a powerhead and increased the aeration/flow.

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On 5/8/2022 at 12:55 AM, laritheloud said:

Tomorrow is fast day. I put Ich-X in the water and I'll change the water again tomorrow and add another round of Ich-X. I have medicated feed prepared (Kanaplex in Repashy + medicated flakes). Fingers crossed!

EDIT: I also added a powerhead and increased the aeration/flow.

Hopefully that will sort him out

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On 5/7/2022 at 7:58 PM, Colu said:

Hopefully that will sort him out

Whatever it is, I caught it very early. He doesn't have many spots on him but it's enough that I see some that weren't there a week ago. No one is acting sick. I'm trying to stay calm because I have everything I need to treat this. ❤️ 

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Epistylis when caught early has a very high recovery rate I think he will make a full recovery just a word of caution when making medicated repashy kanaplex isn't  heat resistant medication so it best to mix the kanaplex in as the repashy start get more thicker consistency @laritheloud

Edited by Colu
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On 5/7/2022 at 8:04 PM, Colu said:

Epistylis when caught early has a very high recovery rate I think he will make a full recovery just a word of caution when making medicated repashy kanaplex isn't  heat resistant medication so it best to mix the kanaplex in as the repashy start get more thicker consistency @laritheloud

Thank you! I'll make sure it's tepid first.

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So this is super embarrassing, @Colu, but the small spots that I saw yesterday have shrunk and nearly disappeared. I'm now in a position where I'm not sure if the Ich X did it or if it was nothing (just stress/nipping), and can't decide whether I should continue with Ich X daily changes or just step back and observe. 🥲 I wish I wasn't so prone to panicking! But the more I think about it, the more I realize that with the addition of the electric blue acara the pleco has had more competition for food and I've seen the acara giving him some warning charges. Maybe the spots were from that? There were only about 5 or 6 on his body, if that, and they have noticeably shrunk, no spreading, no sick behavior. I did not start any antibiotics yet.

I can also keep the flow higher in the tank and leave the powerhead in. The gouramis aren't getting blown around; they just hang around the far end of the tank when they want a break.

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On 5/8/2022 at 5:50 PM, Colu said:

I would just monitor for  now if the spots start to reoccur than I would start to treat again @laritheloud

I did an extra water change and treatment today just to be sure. Now I'll just monitor, no antibiotics. Thanks, Colu. Can't believe I let myself fall into panic traps, lol!!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...
On 11/16/2021 at 10:58 AM, Colu said:

Epistylis feeds off the bacterial on your fish  That why recommended treatment for epistylis is kanaplex in food  you can use ick x or seachems paragraud with kanaplex when using kanaplex in food to cover all bases 


I know this is an old post! If anyone sees this, do you know what size scoop is referenced here? It says 1 TBSP food, but for the Kanaplex and Focus it just says 1 scoop. Is that a scoop that comes with Kanaplex or Focus? 


Thanks so much, I am treating 3 corys with likely epistylus and hoping to mix this into Repashy. 

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On 5/5/2024 at 9:13 AM, anodyne99 said:

I know this is an old post! If anyone sees this, do you know what size scoop is referenced here? It says 1 TBSP food, but for the Kanaplex and Focus it just says 1 scoop. Is that a scoop that comes with Kanaplex or Focus? 


Thanks so much, I am treating 3 corys with likely epistylus and hoping to mix this into Repashy. 

You use one scoop of kanaplex and one scoop of focus they both come with a small scoop 

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