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How much weight is too much?

Melinda P

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I would like to put a larger tank on the second floor of my house, on an inside wall, but I am concerned how big a tank I could *safely* put there. I obviously want to avoid a catastrophe if the floor cannot hold the weight of the filled tank and stand, let alone substrate, decor, etc.

Does anyone have a number (X amount of gallons) where you should start worrying about it, or any other tips?

I'd rather get a small tank rather bring in a contractor/other to reinforce the floor, but I'd want the biggest tank I could have. TIA!

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I would at least find out which way the joists are running, and whether there is a load bearing wall under where you want to put the tank. You want the tank to sit across perpendicular to the joists and go across as many joists as possible. Without knowing and actually seeing for myself, you should be able to safely go with 55-75 gallons easy if you place the tank across joists perpendicular. 

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@Melinda P I agree, you should definitely find out which way your joists run. Also whether or not, it is a load bearing wall. From my experience (I am not an authority on this at all), I lived in an old building in the Bronx, NY and I had a 125 gallon, (2) 90 gallons, (2) 40 gallons, and a few 29’s on a 2nd floor. I never had an issue. I was terribly paranoid about it, but MTS got the best of me. I believe the only reason it worked was because old buildings in NYC were made with cement blocks throughout. Do not use my experience as a guide, it’s just incredible to me that I never had a problem. It was a 450 sq ft apt, and 3 of us lived in there with all those aquariums. It was about 5 years ago and we paid $1300/month. Lesson is don’t move to the Bronx. 😎

Good luck to you! 

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