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I have a cockatoo cichlid that had some very strange behavior earlier. It only lasted like a minute and then he snapped back to reality. What happened was he went from totally fine to kind of just resting his body at the bottom of the tank, he kind of moved moved his body like a snake or some type of eel. Like a slithering motion. His breathing seemed shallow but rapid. It also seemed like his body was curved downwards a little bit. This lasted for about a minute and then it’s like nothing happened. He’s back swimming around, eating just fine, no back arch or odd body movements. Does anyone know what on earth that was? 

On 10/22/2021 at 7:14 PM, Colu said:

What your water parameters and tank mates

0 nitrites, 0 ammonia, nitrates are 5-10ish. Lemon tetras, ember tetras, blue king tetras, clown pleco, Pygmy corys, and a 2nd cockatoo

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