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Trouble with curling leaves

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I have a 55 gal and I've been struggling with the leaves on my alternanthia curling. I dose easy green 2 times a week, easy iron 2 times a week, and potassium 2 times a week. I keep nitrates around 20ppm kh is 5° gh is 9° and ph is 7.4 to 7.6. All the other plants seem to be doing fine minus some pin holes in the the potassium hogs. But I'm at a loss it's been about 6 months now and can't figure it out. Also I do16336256118195163510887294065747.jpg.02a1ae498d88d72f237bfc304095035c.jpg163362665331276008057544794417.jpg.c9c91937fa3109e276577997b4b4c1bc.jpg16336267155565658032394691296670.jpg.afcf5d039757cbbbadd34894b60fa50e.jpg not run CO2. I've been racking my brain. I've basically become a chemist/biologist with the amount of research I've done. Please HELP ME

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