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Betta fish not well

Lauren A

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I moved my betta fish to a new tank 3 days ago.  I have to tear down his last tank (planted) because of a sever BGA problem.


The tank is cycling, possibly cycled.  I started adding a pinch of fish food and stability a week ago to the tank until I moved him over a few days ago.  I’m still using Stability and Prime.  I had to convert his last tank to Poland spring water because our towns water has become toxic so I’m not sure if this is an issue.  I slowly converted his last tank to Poland Spring about a month ago so this is not entirely new but the Kh being non-existent really worries me.  


He is in a planted 10 gallon.  Also with Poland Spring water.  Since yesterday he has been acting very lethargic.  Today he is breathing a lot at the top of the tank.  He’s laying on his plant, barely moving and not responding to me in his usual way.  I couldn’t tell  if he was bloated so yesterday I gave him some frozen daphnia.  He ate this morning.  I did not give him lunch or dinner because he does appear to be slightly bloated.  I will attach a pic.


My parameters are: Ammonia 0, Nitrates 5ppm, Chlorine none, Gh 30, Kh 0 and Nitrites 0, Ph 7.2.  Besides lower nitrates from his last tank, everything else is the same.  I have Equilibrium and Alkaline and Acid buffer by Seachem.  They gave me the dosages I would need to do on a chat yesterday to raise the Kh.  Before doing this trio, I spoke to the woman at my lfs that I trust and she recommended I first try half of the F143FDD0-A221-46E8-9D6F-28878CDF771D.jpeg.b2533b28f514a5809c5c68f2ac946d10.jpeg25A56318-132F-42F5-8225-2E0EC30B9FCD.jpeg.dcfd6e0a5073f30c8aabb2a4d777fd4d.jpegph small wonder shell.  I added the half of a shell last night and a little more today and the Gh went up a tad.  


I don’t know what to do.  I’m worried about his breathing and lethargy.  Do you think he could be bloated?  Velvet? The Kh problem.  Although our towns water is undrinkable for humans and pets I don’t know if replacing with tap water would benefit him for the mineral content.


Thank you in advance.  Any help is appreciated.  I’m so worried.  


Edited by Lauren A
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I would add an extra air stone  because it could be low levels of desolved oxygen he doesn't look bloated to me if he shows now sign of improvement it could be something else going such ich on the gills bacterial Gill disease or he could be stressed that's why he is breathing heavy I would also add some crushed coral in a media bag to your filter to buffer your water and increase your KH

Edited by Colu
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@ColuCould the crush coral with the wonder shell be too much?  I notice the wonder shell hasn’t  really dissolved much.  Also, how much crush coral and can I drop it right into his tank.  My filter doesn’t have a lot of space in it with the matrix in it and I don’t know if I can safely remove those without messing up the cycling process.  Sorry for all the questions.  Thank you for your help.


Also, I put the air stone/diffuser in 

@Coluif it’s only a small amount of crush coral I can fit it in

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I usually put 100g of crushed coral for 50 gallons when I add it to my filter and that keep my pH around 7.2 if your adding it to the substrate I would double that as theirs less flow going through it in the substrate am not to sure about wonder shell  I haven't used it 

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@Keegi just installed an air bubbler diffuser right next to him.  And I turned his filter up.  I put a 1/3 tsp of crushed coral in the filter.  I’m not sure if I should do a water change and put half tap water in to raise the Kh.  

@ColuSince my tap water has a Kh value, should I do a water change and add the tap water.  He was in it for months before so I’m thinking that might be the best move.  Will a sudden increase in Kh be harmful?

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On 9/15/2021 at 4:01 PM, Lauren A said:

@Keegi just installed an air bubbler diffuser right next to him.  And I turned his filter up.  I put a 1/3 tsp of crushed coral in the filter.  I’m not sure if I should do a water change and put half tap water in to raise the Kh.  

If the parameters are basically the same from when he was fine, I wouldn't strep him out by doing a water change. 

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On 9/15/2021 at 7:03 PM, Keeg said:

If the parameters are basically the same from when he was fine, I wouldn't strep him out by doing a water change. 

Ok.  I wish I knew what was going on with him.  His face looks a little pink.  I hope the bubbler and crush coral help.  

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On 9/15/2021 at 7:03 PM, Keeg said:

If the parameters are basically the same from when he was fine, I wouldn't strep him out by doing a water change. 

@Colu Hi, would you two recommend I take out his floater plants.  Or the huge Java fern in there.  Just to free up some space or will it be better to keep them in for the oxygen.  Thanks again 

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