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Quarantine Med Trio - Chili Rasboras?


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Hi there! I'm about to finally get in a group of 10 chili rasboras that I've been trying to order for the past month or so and I'm working on preparing to set them up for quarantine before moving them into their nano tank. I know that due to their size, they can be quite fragile fish, so I was wondering if it would be worth putting them through the quarantine med trio, or if I should simply keep an eye on them and feed them as normal, and treat them reactively instead of proactively if I notice any illness?

If it's worth mentioning, they have been ordered from Aquahuna, which the Co-Op specifically recommends as their go-to online retailer for live fish.

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Personally I like to just do a visual quarantine, especially with sensitive fish. In most cases, the fish are completely healthy and can be moved in as long as I feel they are safe to be introduced to other fish. Generally a few weeks, maybe earlier if they're definitely healthy with signs like being a pig 

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