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What does it mean to follow a member?


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Is this just like a friend request (for lack of a better explanation) or is it that you are notified when they post?

how come even the people who seem to me to be posting the most and or have the most knowledge have like 6-8 followers?

im basically new to forums and neither explanation I can come up with makes sense. 

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If your following someone it means you'll be notified every time they post new content.

To answer your other question: Some members have been here since the start of the forum (July 2020). Some of these members were very active and posting several times a day, devoting several hours a day to the forum. And as a result through out the year of the forum being running gained followers. However sometimes life gets in the way, and so they become "less active". So all though it appears they may not be the most active, at one point they were. I dont think theres any one reason that some people have less followers then others. I like to follow people that post interesting content, or post very valuable information. I also think its important that we don't make followers into a "competition". As just by posting a comment to a thread, or creating a thread makes you a thoughtful contributor.


Edited by James Black
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@James Blackthank you 

this is what I was thinking, and I hope the post didn’t across as a competitive question. I was most certainly not meaning it to. I am just interested in following a few members that I believe do start interesting topics and have a lot of valuable information that they share. Just didn’t wanna overstep if it was a more personal level and normal “protocol “ was to message and ask or something of the sort.

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