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Help-I think I've got algae!

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Sorry for the obvious sarcasm. Tank has been up and running about 6 months. Started off great and plants were doing well. Couldn't keep fish alive, PH was spiking. Used Eco Complete for substrate. Talked with Caribsea and they told me that some batches get calcium deep in their pours and then it can start leaching out.  I'd rather not dump the whole thing and start again. No fish, no nitrates, GH 150, KH 120, PH 8.4  Will Easy Carbon work on this???


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You might be better off covering up the tank and killing the lights and doing a long term blackout. After that, if there is no fish in it, drain it 100% to remove the organics, full it, let it run and do another 100% waterchange and repeat that a few times to clear the remaining algae and organics. To make it easier, get rid of as much algae as you can that's on the glass and loose so you have less cleanup later.

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I think I would tackle this by pulling the plants out and dipping them in hydrogen peroxide. 10ml per 1gal of dechlorinated water for no more than 10 minutes.

I would manually remove any algae that I could and do a 90% water change.

I would replant the tank, dose liquid carbon at initial dosing instructions ever day and do 50% water changes every day. I would include vacuuming the substrate as well. 

I would dose fertilizers very lightly during this time too, and then drop light intensity some and duration to 8 hours max.

I would stop after 2 weeks and test.

Edited by Mmiller2001
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