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Orlando is new for this year. It started a few years with just chicago, then added dallas. I wouldn’t be surprised if they continue with all three, or keep at least chicago and Dallas since the two guys who started it live in those 2 cities.

I really enjoyed it the year I went, I only went one day. If you’re planning on going, save save save. You will find more than you planned on getting. And have a plan on how you’re going to transport things, especially if you’re flying in. I’m a few hours away from chicago so I just drove. If you think there’s any chance you’ll get fish, have a plan on how you would transport them. If it’s by car, have a usb air pump and a few buckets on hand. If it’s by plane, figure out if you’re gonna ship them home to yourself or take them on the plane.

If you’re into both fresh and saltwater then try and give yourself enough time to shop both. Super high end corals are gonna go quick and a lot of vendors were sold out halfway through day 2. 

Plan out which talks and events you want to see and plan things around that. Also, a lot of the YouTubers we’re willing to sign things, so bring something just in case if that’s something you’re into.

Aquatics is the biggest part of the event but there’s also a lot of random reptile stuff, and a really heavy focus on art as well. 

Finally, get there Early. I’m talking at least an hour. The line to get in Is going to be insane. Check out their video from Dallas 2019, they had to literally kick ppl out because it sold out and the line went out the parking lot.

and don’t forget to have fun!

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On 8/5/2021 at 9:17 PM, Steph’s Fish and Plants said:

Orlando is new for this year. It started a few years with just chicago, then added dallas. I wouldn’t be surprised if they continue with all three, or keep at least chicago and Dallas since the two guys who started it live in those 2 cities.

I heard they were considering another location up north😏. It seems they add more locations every year.

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Also, just know going in that it is definitely more of a trade show than a swap or opportunity to purchase fish. Most of the animals available in Orlando were shrimp and Bettas. There was a cichlid vendor and someone selling some random fish. Also 3-4 selling plants. Saltwater wise, there were a tonnnnn of frag vendors.

Now don't let that poo poo you away from going. It's still really fun, you get to potentially meet some YouTubers that you may be a fan of, hear some talks and see/purchase some cool art.

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