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Progressive ripping of center of Betta fins

Lauren G

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Hello all,

After keeping a Betta alive in a large, simple bowl for four years (many years ago) I have a new-ish Black Orchid in a tank with filter, heater, and ph and ammonia monitoring. He is solo. I thought this was a great environment for him, but within the last week, he developed small holes in the centers of his dorsal fin and tail fin which have progressed into large tears. I have read internet info for hours and I can’t find an explanation (or cure). Is it an injury that is worsening (maybe his fins got sucked into the filter intake?) or a type of rot that affects the middle of the fin instead of the edges?  Thanks for any input.




Edited by Lauren G
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Thank you. I posted some photos. The ph looks to be about 7.2 and the ammonia is in the “safe” zone. I don’t monitor nitrogen, but maybe I should? I am new at this type of tank!


Edited by Lauren G
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Thats exactly how my bettas fins looked right before his finrot. I had a miserable time treating my Betta (named Hugo) for finrot. I had to use salt being that my country (canada) makes fish meds ilegal to sell. He started his finrot treatment in March, its now almsot July (6ish months) and his fins are almost fully grown back completley. 

I would first reccemend to start treating NOWWW!!!! Before it gets really bad! Give it a few days and you will see chunks of fins missing. To treat I would get an antibiotic like Maracyn and treat him with that with the reccemending dosing on the back of the bottle. 

I treated hugo with salt and treated for a week straight. I saw no improvement. So I did a 50% waterchange and gave a few days off for any treatment. midway into my second week of treatment I relized he was not responding well with the salt, at all! His fins were only getting worse. I could tell he was near his final days. Lying around on his side, and frantically spassing out. I stopped treating with salt and gave him a week with no light, no food, no nothing. I wanted him to rest. (This may sound cruel but sometimes food during stressfull times can be bad for the fish, and light can really stress out a fish sometimes). You can see exactly what I did in this thread:

 Bottom line use an antibiotic like maracyn if you can. Its going to be a lot easier on your IMO.

Hugos fins are almost all healed up with just a small notch in his fin. 

Good Luck!!!

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