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Buying super red bristlenose quarantine help pls


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I have no clue if I need trio medicate super red bristlenose from aquabid.

I want 8 so should buy 10 I think there 1.5inch ii think. So how would one quarantine these? Minimum tank size for quarantine? What should I feed? Algae walfers? Quarantine like normal follow trio directions? If I don’t need to medicate them I could add them to my display tank there both 3ish months old and cycled with no fish. 


I’m buying from aquabid can anyone recommend seller try’s to give healthy super reds? I’ve never owned these I want 4 in a 75 gallon one will add orandas one day and 4 in a 55  with ranchus soon there in 3 week quarantine gallon. 


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With small fish like that, a 10 gallon tank is probably big enough. 20 gallons better. Plants in the tank even better. Repashy soilent green or super green is good. Cucumber, zucchini, cauliflower is good. Watch ammonia/nitrites closely and do water changes (more than you think you need). Water quality in quarantine tank can change quickly. I think the aquarium co-op trio of meds is a good idea, but I would do a full round of treatment  with Paracleanse (for internal parasites) and then another Paracleanse round two weeks later before putting the fish in your main tank. Internal parasites are the biggest danger to go undetected and so I think they should be your focus in quarantine. I have one super red and 3 albino bristlennose in my 120. They are beautiful fish.

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