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Harvesting live foods

Mr Gumby

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Hi all, 

Ive been harvesting food from a local duck pond which is full of daphnia and various insect larvae. 

I'm feeding once a day with them and another feed of pellet and flake. 

Is there anything I need to look out for? 

Not sure if I need to treat for parasites on a regular basis? 

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Most people do not want dragonfly larva in their aquariums and these are common hitchhikers when collecting live foods. I wouldn't worry about parasites. It has never been a problem for me and I feed quite a bit of wild collected foods.

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They can get pretty big depending on the species and prey on small fish.

Here is one in my tank from a couple of months ago:

And they have an amazing efficient and deadly mouth system and can eat prey as large as they are:



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