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  1. Curious if anyone has any experience with Von Rios being homed with a betta or powder blue dwarf gourami. I’ve got a fairly heavily planted 20 gallon long with 24 Von Rios and 6 panda cory. Looking for a blue fish to serve as a contrast and centerpiece.
  2. So this is a fish I have been wanting to put in one of my tanks for a while now. I thought I knew what I was getting, but wow I am surprised with how big these are and their behavior. The males appear to be very territorial and hit and nip any other fish that comes near. One of the smaller males believes he owns half the tank. My tank is a 20Gal (high) with back wall full of pogostemon stellatus octopus, and a swod. They love being in the Pogo. I have 10 of these Flame Tetras, 10 cardinal tetras and 6 panda corys for tank mates. I am going to put some more plants in there to see if I can create some line of sight blocks and additional areas for the fish to hide out. One thing that is odd to me, is there is no aggression during feeding time. They all come out together and feed, and after that they tend to do their own thing, not much schooling or even just grouping together. Looking to find out if this is normal behavior.
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