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  1. Hi all. Got two questions regarding compatibility. 1. I plan to transfer fish from the quarantine tank to the main, among them will be 8 Threadfin Rainbow (Iriatherina werneri). The main tank has 8 Emperor Tetras (Nematobrycon palmeri) and 14 White/Gold Cloud Mountain Minows (Tanichthys albonubes), 6 Corys and 3 - 4 Otos. All sources suggest to keep the Threadfins out but I have noticed that the fish don't go on the internet. So, am I looking for troubles? 2. I have fallen in love with shrimps, don't know why, but my wife and I found them interesting to watch. Currently we have 3 Amano Shrimps in a 8gl. tank. We would like to have Vampire Shrimps in the main tank. On top of the fish that have already been mentioned there will possibly be Bosemans (Melanotaenia boeseman) and Neon Rainbows (Melanotaenia praecox). One site that I have checked claimed that the rainbows will attack the shrimp, is it so? I have seen this shrimp at a size of ~ 3". Thank you for your advice.
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