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  1. Hello. Well, it started early in the week. I saw one lone fry. Then two more. Then four, etc. Today I spotted three more! I have seven of them in a Lee Net Breeder. Two more are still in the tank, but catching them is elusive. They are about a half inch long. (12.7 mm). Eating quite well on a jar of BBS I ordered from Aquarium Co-Op. Can't promise pictures, I'm terrible at pics! I may try. There must be enough paramecium for the babies to live off of? It's very exciting. edited for clarity.
  2. My bloodfin tetras breed every morning like clockwork. I've decided that I want to save some eggs and see if I can raise the fry. I've been looking all over for information about when to start feeding baby tetras as some fish have yolk sacs and do not need to be fed for the first day or so. When is the appropriate time to start feeding baby tetras?
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