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  1. I just broke down my Betta tank, for the 4th time in 6 mths, due to a weird gelatinous growth that literally covered everything...substrate, plants, heater, decorations...It would continue to grow day after day, after each restart, and eventually there would be a brownish film to the water. This tank was in my workspace, initially, and after two restarts, I moved it to my partner's workspace, right next door in the same building. Things seemed fine, but within a week, this stuff started appearing again, and growing. The final breakdown was this past Saturday and this stuff was like gelatinous cotton covering everything. I couldn't subject the Betta to it any longer, so I've moved him to our home, with everything new (I was not taking a chance on carrying whatever-it-was to his new tank/environment). He has done perfectly fine throughout. Has anyone ever experienced anything like this? And no, I didn't take pictures, it was so disgusting, I just wanted to remove the Betta from that environment. And if you had seen it, you would think he had been suffering for weeks on end in that stuff, but it grew so fast, that within two weeks the tank was covered each time. We decided it was environmental, i.e. air quality. I also work in a building across the way, and I put a tank in that space, and the water is pristine. I've never had an issue. Thoughts?
  2. Wasn't sure if this was a disease or algae. Is this bad for fish or shrimp? I had it before but i just scraped it off.
  3. I've been keeping fish most of my life and I seldom see something I haven't seen before, but this is something I've never seen before. Whatever it is seems to spread by tendrils and then have flower-like things (really tiny leaves maybe?) closest to the light. Photos will be shown below of one of the roughly quarter-sized things and then an enlargement of it. There are multiple patches of this, whatever it is, on the front glass of my quarantine tank. Most aren't symmetrical but all have the same tendril like growth pattern. It's popping up in multiple sections of the front glass with no apparent connection from one section to the next. I added some ramshorn snails a few weeks ago and that's been the only real change in the tank. Is it a freshwater sponge perhaps? Whatever it is apparently isn't edible as neither my Super Red Bristlenose Pleco or my snails have eaten it. It's pretty much flush to the glass and doesn't intrude much (if at all) into the tank. It's interesting.
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