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  1. I have a 65 and a 75 gallon tank. The 65 was my large community, but is down to: 2 Silver Dollars, 2 SAEs and a marbled Angel. The 75 is my single species tank with 4 TFBs. They are the smaller variety and won’t exceed 8”. If I can find them I will add two more. The goal: a large planted community tank. Problem #1: Both tanks are devoid of plants except for whatever survives behind a protective fence. The TFBs have somehow managed to uproot and drag whole stem and floating plants through the grate. The Silver Dollars will also eat any plant or algae in the tank, but they don't seem to have a problem with the other fish. Problem #2: Due to its height, the 75 would be the better choice for plants, but I really like the empty look, with the schooling TFBs. Problem #3: The TFBs are normally very peaceful. The smallest fish is a bit of a problem child, and I don’t know if it is just an occasional bully or exhibiting mating behavior. It is interesting to watch them swim side by side a fins length apart. Problem #4: In the past I have seen one of the TFBs swimming with a small Bala shark protruding from its mouth. The small shark might have already been carrion. For that reason, I’m not positive that the barbs will leave the SAEs or the Angelfish alone, but the SAEs can easily swim pass the fence for now. Problem #5: This is the real problem. These are supposed to be peaceful community fish. I previously tried to move the SDs into the barb tank, and it did not go well. There are no hiding places in the barb tank. The SDs were attacked, and had to be removed within the hour. All of the fish are mature. So I am wondering if I should risk returning the SDs to the 75 and hope that they adjust to each other, or should I move the TFBs to the 65 and let the TFBs adjust to their new environment?
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