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  1. I have a sick albino Cory. After some research I decided to give him a salt bath. 1/2 tsp aquarium salt and 1/2 gallon of same temp water for 10 minutes. I watch him for the whole 10 minutes and after he’s added to the bath he hardly moves. Is that normal? I use a coffee mug to scoop him out of the display tank and slowly add the salt water over 10ish seconds and dump him in. Could I be shocking him?
  2. Hello, I have a sick fish with a decentely sized red sore on its tail. I quarantined him by himself and did some water changes for the past week. he hasn’t really been getting better and is slowly looking less active. i was just about to put in 2 tablespoons of API aquarium salt into the 45 litre quatrantine tank. until I thought, how long should the salt stay there? can someone advise me on whether it’s better to add the salt as I planned or if it’s better to just give the fish a 5-10minute bath? thank you
  3. One of my fish has severe bloat. I want to do a salt bath, but my hospital tank currently has quarantined fish in it. I have it isolated in a floating breeder box in my 55 gallon so I can fast it. Can I take the fish out and put it in a bucket with salt water for a few hours a day to get the salt on it? Thanks!
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