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  1. On Thursday, I got 10 red neon blue eyed rainbowfish (pseudomoguil Luminatus) for my 12 gallon bookshelf tank. They are between 1/2 and 1 inch, with most 2/3 to 3/4. I let them settle in with lights off until Friday morning. Have tried feeding them X-treme Nano sinking pellets Friday am; Northfin Fry Starter Friday PM; and Hikari Fancy Guppy this am. They mostly ignored the food. When they did try to eat it they spit it out almost immediately. Happened with all three. The only other inhabitants are 2 nerite snails and a bunch of plants. Water parameters: Temp: 75.6 Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 by test strip; 0.25 by API master test kit. It was at 0 the day beforeI added the new fish and had been zero for a couple of weeks. Nitrate: 10 pH: 6.8 GH: 7 KH: 3 Any recommendations?
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