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  1. Hey! I’m not new to fish keeping, but I’m relatively new to bettas, and as simple as they’re supposed to be, I haven’t had much success so far. My first betta passed away after getting ill with dropsy about 6 months ago, and I’ve finally worked up the guts to get a male and female with the hopes of breeding them (in seperate tanks of course). The male is doing well, but the female (while still being a healthy, wonderful, lively and interactive fish) has been giving me trouble with her eating. She barely eats anything I give her, and can clearly see the food, watching it as it falls to the bottom, and then swimming up to look at me like ‘GIVE ME SOME REAL FOOD!’ Well, I’ve given her real food! Frozen, live, tropical pellets, betta pellets, tropical flake, and soon I’ll try a pea just for the sake of being thorough. And I fasted her for a few days as well, which didn’t totally work. She ate the day her fast finished, but hasn’t properly eaten since. Anyways, I’m awfully confused, so I’m putting this out to you all to see if anyone else has an idea of what’ll work. I posted this in my introduction page and was told to ask the breeder about what food he uses, but he told me he just uses a generic pellet he buys in bulk for all his fish. He’s also about 45 minutes away from me, so I’d prefer not to drive to get food from him, without even knowing if it would work. The only other option I’m thinking of is getting some endlers or guppies to go with her, so there’s no chance of over feeding, but they may act as a dither fish in a sense. She did however attack my single endler that I put with her initially, although I believe that was because she was the only other fish in the tank. How does this sound as an option? Cheers!
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