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  1. Hello everyone, Getting back into fish keeping after an extended hiatus due to college, moving, etc. etc. Not too many tanks, just one currently with a colony of H. formosa with some Amano shrimp, nerite snails, and dwarf crayfish. Looking forward to checking this place out further, and I'm sure I'll have more questions as I dive further back into this hobby. Thanks!
  2. Just joined today and wanted to say hello from New Hampshire! I kept a tank back when I was a teen, and decided to get back into the hobby about a year ago with a 55gal community tank which has been a fun learning process, and my fish seem happy. Right now, I am slowly starting to research larger tanks (of course, haha) with the goal of getting the whole tank moved to my studio in the next few months, and expanding my little fish community. I'd also like to learn about other types of filtration systems as well as adding more live plants too - so far I haven't had a lot of luck with plants. Anyway! Hi! I enjoyed this group on FB!
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