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  1. This is the last of my original 4 Nerite Snails. I've been considering getting something a little more colorful and active. Until recently she just laid eggs and took long naps lasting up to 2 days. I figured that at 5 years old, her time was coming. Instead, over the last couple of weeks she has put on a growth spurt and become a lot more active. I don't know how or why, but I'm not complaining. The yellow and red colors are new. I'm not up on snail anatomy, but she is definitely showing a lot more skin🙈 than ever before.
  2. This topic really is for entertainment value and does not require a reply unless you have you own tale regarding these little creatures. True Story - I have nerite snails in a 20 long rimmed tank and I have two that are escape artists. In the spring/summer I take the lids off so I can better regulate the temperature. This leads to these two little ones being able to leave the tank at will. At night when it is "lights out", I check to be sure everyone is at the bottom on the substrate but these little ones seem to leopards of the snail world in terms of speed. This morning I came out to feed and check on everyone (multiple tank syndrome) and on the carpet half way across the room from the tank was one of the nerite snails. I picked him (or her) up and he was dry as a bone but dropped him back in the tank anyway. I thought he would be dead for sure but no. In about an hour, he was up and moving. Just thought I would share a tale of the wondrous creatures we employ to clean our aquariums and enjoy their colorful selves. If you have you own tail of the amazing "animals", please feel free to share.
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