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  1. Hi all, been having some temperature issues in my tank and want to invest in some slightly nicer equipment. (After being a very poor college student for so many years, it's a hard habit to break lol) Right now I have those thermometers with the black LCD display that have a wire going to the waterproof temperature probe. I'd like to get a temperature gun instead. Those of you with experience with this tool, how difficult is it to get an accurate reading? It seems like it would be tricky to get a water temp because it uses a laser reflection; water is clear (to some degree) so it makes me think it would be hard to get an accurate temp. It would be easy enough to check with some ice water though. And how sensitive is it to distance? Do you have to hold it a certain distance from the tank, and how much does that affect your numbers? Any preferred brand or type? Or do you think picking one up from the hardware store should work just as well?
  2. Now my Walstad-EcoComplete-Normal aquarium project is up and going I can unbox and setup the Felix. I hope to use the Felix on these 3 aquariums. It looks like it has 3 main components. A big smart plug, a camera, and a Seneye Freshwater monitor. Now I am going to watch the George Farmer video @Jessica. referenced and see how to hook all of this up.
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