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  1. These forums have moderators, and over time we'll be adding to our current staff with volunteer moderators. The majority of moderation will happen automatically. Depending on the Rank of forum poster you are, is how much weight your actions will have. As an example, someone who has been around a very long time on the forum, when they flag a post as inappropriate. It will be removed from public view until a moderator can take a look at it. If you are new to the forum, your vote may count as One of 3 or 5 votes needed to perform the same action. Likewise to avoid trolling, someone who is a long in good standing member, would need more votes than someone who has been on the forum for a couple of days. This removes a lot of the day to day moderation tasks and places it in the hands of the forum users. As a group we can decide if something has gone too far off track. While I hope this is rare, there will always be disagreements that pop up and might get a bit heated and people need to cool down. You'll notice that upon sign up, users have to accept the terms of service now. Also we have guidelines on the menu for posters to follow. This will evolve over time and just because something isn't there, doesn't mean it won't be against the rules. At the time of creating this post, I realize I forgot to say nudity isn't tolerated. Clearly this would be against our rules but wasn't posted yet. Here are some of the Rank Levels, these can change if I need to adjust, also please don't "chase" these ranks by spamming comments. We have an active community with meaningful content.
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