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  1. I'm having problems with the water staying at the temperature I set it to when refilling tanks. We have just got a new boiler so I'm not sure what the problem is. Iv been looking for a solution for a while now and I found thermostatic mixing valves. The only thing is i cant find a good one that can go to a low enough temperature. Then I saw that Dean uses a Intellifaucet in his fish room, the only thing with that is it costs £800 with £100 shipping to the UK. They do cheaper ones but I would like the digital one. Has anyone else had this problem and how did you fix it?
  2. How do you have to make the in line thermometer or does it come as unit. Iv been wondering about the thermometer for a while now and what is the blue circled thing? It looks like a pressure gauge but I'm not sure. I'm looking at making a setup like Dean's so would like to know about these things please.
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