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  1. This is our first fish tank and we started with three platys and 5 other fish. It is 10 gallons. It took some time to get the right parameters for the water because we were inexperienced. Two of the platys had a baby, and the original three have since died. It has been some time but the baby who has grown is now doing a lot of hiding and is very skittish when we look into the tank. However, he is still eating. There are two other guppies in the tank and keep to themselves so there is no bullying going on. I recall the other platys hid as well in the last days of their lives so this also has me concerned. I have done all I can to make sure every parameter is correct going forward after losing the starting fish. PH - 7.3, temp - 77, Nitrite - 0, Ammonia -0, and Nitrate around 30 ppm. I do a water change roughly once a week and clean the tank around once a month. I also am starting to add some bacteria after the water changes and have some vitamins I put into the water as well. This is a special fish to the family as it has been born and lived in our tank so I'm worried I'm doing something wrong I don't know about.
  2. My question for today is what do you do when you have a group of schooling fish that slowly die off over a period of years leaving one or two lonely survivors? I started with a school of 10 white clouds a few years ago, and I'm down to one. He's gotten skinnier and just looks stressed out. I've been treating for internal parasites because of some white poo with his guppy co-habitants, and I figured it couldn't hurt with him being skinny too, but I really think he's just stressed out. What do other people do when you have a single lonely schooling fish who's lost all his friends? I want to keep the tank warmer than white clouds like, so I'm not looking to get him a new school to hang with...but I'm feeling bad for him.
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