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  1. I think there's a few stories like this I've heard and I really couldn't have imagined something like this happening to me. Those familiar with my ramblings will know that I literally don't have a local store, local being down the mountain pass and then still a 30-40 mile drive. So I have found "the good one" in terms of the big box store, but I'm much happier these days to hand pick what I want and only go to the store for emergency or specific items I don't want to buy from ACO or other online breeders (or Aquahuna). Getting a chance to go was nice, it's the 50% off sale, but that wasn't happening today.... I was trying to see what food was in stock and then go ahead and just be one my way. I walked back to the fish section and they had a cart of junk in the way for the "please help us get rid of this stuff" clearance sale. Most of that was filter cartridges and stuff you can't really use at all. I went past the cart, beyond the stack of tanks and there were a few customers there trying to decide which tank to get. I went across the aisle to the food and there was 3-4 people staring at filters. I saw a guy standing where the food is and he had a filter in his hand trying to read the fine print on the box. I just sort of smiled and thought to myself, "yeah, I've had that one, it broke the first time I tried to get the sponge out to clean it". I took a second to read the body language of the guy and he seemed like he was just really, really confused about what to get. Back and forth between a few boxes and he kept going back to that one. "If you get that one just be really careful with it. I had one and I broke the little tab trying to get it apart" "Oh, ok thanks" he said. "How big is your tank?" I asked. The man took his arms as wide as he could. "oh a 4 foot tank?" "Yeah, I just got a few fish in there so I don't need a big crazy filter." "Oh they should have them here, have you heard of Aquarium Co-Op?" I inquired. He asked me where that store was, and I explained about how they have a youtube channel and all of that. We scoured the store trying to find a sponge filter, I couldn't even find the air pumps. Eventually we found the pumps and then I showed him a picture of the Co-Op filter on the phone. I explained to him about a gang valve and using one pumps to hook up multiple items on the airline. No big deal, just trying to be helpful to someone who just wasn't sure how to make heads or tails of things. Hopefully he checks out some videos. I get to the car and my family tells me "There was those girls that saw you helping and they were asking if you worked there." 😂 They were the ones looking at tanks and trying to decide which one when I had walked in to the fish area. Totally would've helped pretty much anyone just because it was packed and people had questions! It's amazing to me how much it would help to slap a "Have questions? Check out Aquarium Co-Op!" sign or sticker in some of the big box stores just to get people on the path towards some semblance of help. Have it on a TV in the store and just show some fish videos talking about things. One day....
  2. I was able to be on a live stream for a few minutes and asked in chat how to get my lfs to carry Aquarium Co-Op products and someone said something about Cory having done a video on that information but I was not able to get the link for that video, if someone knows which video that is can I get a link please? Thank you!
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