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  1. Hi everyone! Hoping someone that has owned dwarf chain loaches can chime in and help me out. Recently I lost one of my yoyo loaches and only have 1 left in my community tank, and am wanting to figure out a solution to his social needs now that his companion is gone. You can check out my thread here for more context. Basically, I have a tank that is pretty stocked and smaller than I would feel comfortable to have 3-4 yoyo loaches in it. But I don't want my remaining yoyo to be alone for the remainder of his life. I was wondering if he would school with and interact with dwarf chain loaches? I would be much more comfortable having a higher number of these in the tank with him, instead of just 1 or 2 more yoyos. Any input would be very appreciated. Thanks in advance!
  2. Its difficult to get images when they nap because they 'alert' at the sign of any movement outside the tank. But I was just watching some F1 quals and noticed I had some Clowns napping. I enjoy these goof balls, one of my favorite species.
  3. I did a pre storm water change, tank temperature Slight raise and added more tanins on a 50 gallon tank reset. Primarily seeing a ton of breeding from khuli loaches in floating plants. The tank is 50 gallon higher flow with colony of L169 candy Stripe pleco / colony of L129 Columbian Zebra / colony of 12 Dwarf chain loaches. My question is I fed frozen tubifex for the first time post reset and they really lost their minds to me this has the look of breeding behavior with the faded colors being the larger loaches and the thinner loaches being highly defined in stripes. Anyone have any thoughts?
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