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  1. Hello, so I'm attempting my first planted tank and I'd like to do a combination of dirt with a coarse silica sand or maybe a bonsai lava grit cap over it. The tank I'm using is a 36-gal Topfin bowfront 30.7 in L x 15.7 in W x 22.2 in H (77.9 x 39.8 x 56.3 cm). My question is how much of each substrate should I use? I know the 1 Lb to 1 gal rule, as well as adding an extra inch for planted tanks but because I'm mixing 2 substrates, I was hoping to get a more precise ratio. Any advice from someone who has done something similar or just has more knowledge in general about this would be greatly appreciated.
  2. I want to scape my 75 so that the back corners are 3-5 inches higher than the front of the tank. Does anyone see a possible problem with me putting flat 3-4” thick rocks under the eco complete, rather than using all substrate?
  3. For all you aquascapers out there, what do you use to add elevation in your tanks? Would you use this: https://smile.amazon.com/American-Fireglass-LAVA-M-10-Glass-Medium/dp/B002NHW0NS/ref=pd_di_sccai_1/141-2996306-1191602?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B002NHW0NS&pd_rd_r=5f4e8ee4-0d61-4fc5-bbc9-03d6e4a33c19&pd_rd_w=8B5vP&pd_rd_wg=ZI8Lt&pf_rd_p=5415687b-2c9d-46da-88a4-bbcfe8e07f3c&pf_rd_r=F6T2CPPK0FNBHWQ062CE&refRID=F6T2CPPK0FNBHWQ062CE&th=1
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