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  1. Hi, I've got a small group of 4 snowball plecos coming . They will be going into a 4ft tank I have which is a tetra community tank. I know the snowballs won't really touch the algae so I wondered if I could also keep some bristlenoses with them from my other tanks? I have seen some people do this but also hear they can be too territorial. Anyone have any experience of keeping them together? Thanks, Adrian
  2. Hello, this is my first attempt at breeding a rare L number, and I’m trying to figure out many things. But I have a group of 4 fish and some seem to hide in the tank and others seem to always sit in the entry of the caves is that a behavior of a male fish attempting to trap a female? tank numbers 80-82F, 7.5 ph, tds 210 I feed extreme flakes, sera catfish chips, and frozen bloodworms/brine shrimp and some bbs
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