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  1. Yesterday morning I noticed my bronze and my albino's, ahem* behavior. The day before I did a water change... so eggs! Dad: Ponyo, albino | Mom: Sosuke, Bronze Background: I have had the bronze momma, Sosuke, for over a year now. She is my veteran Cory. Parents don't have favorites, but her and I go way back. So, needless to say, I love her. The albino is a more recent addition to the community tank. In the past Sosuke has laid many clutches, but none have been fertilized, guppies get them before I can, novice attempts and / or that darn fungus kept them from hatching. This time the albino and bronze have been doing the famous T and eggs were laid immediately after so I know these are valid eggs. To save them from my hungry guppies, I decided to move them to a hatch / grow out tank. This was my first time saving majority of them and using methylene blue, so I am hopeful. I ordered an egg tumbler, but needed to move the eggs sooner than it's arrival. *Should I move them to the egg tumbler or leave them be in the "hatch tank"? I plan on 50% water changes daily til hatched then 2-3x/week for the hatched fry. What are your experiences with Cory breeding?
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