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  1. We’ve had this male African dwarf frog since June, so about 5 months. He’s been pretty healthy and happy, even breeding last month with the female. We woke up yesterday to find him very FAT in the abdomen area and he was staying near the top of the tank which I know can be a sign of illness. He looks healthy to me still except that his abdomen is enlarged. He’s not really eating, but we are fasting him for a few days to see if he maybe has just eaten too much. My concerns are the following- 1- It could be dropsy 2-We are missing an Amano shrimp. Wondering if he ate it and is just digesting him? 3-He ate something else he shouldn’t have and is impacted possibly. We’ve added a little Melefix to the tank yesterday to see if it would help, and today he seems a little less bloated and is hiding in his usual spots on the bottom. We just did a 20% water change a few days ago. The water parameters are: 10 Gallon heavily planted tank-76° Tank mates- male beta, female ADF, 3 amano shrimp, 5 otocinclus catfish PH-7.4 KH-214.8ppm GH-53.7ppm Ammonia-0 Nitrite-0 Nitrate-25 first phot was yesterday(day one) second two l are this morning and last one is from a couple weeks ago showing what he normally looks like(but “hugging” Rosie) Anyone have any experience with something like this that would be able to suggest something to do?
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