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  1. I have free swimming EBR fry in a 20 gallon long tank with parents. The parents have what I believe may be fin rot/ ich. I have been treating the adults with melafix and ich x. Would it be better to pull the fry or the parents? I have a 10 gallon running. The parents have done such a wonderful job so far! This is their first spawn and they are very protective. When is it a good time to seperate the fry from the parents? Also is there something else I should be doing to treat the parents? This has been going on for a week and 1/2 . I do daily water changes to keep up with meds. thank you for all your help!!
  2. Hello! I’m new here and loving all the great information! I was sold a pair of juvenile electric blue rams. Now that they’re a little older, I’m wondering if they are actually two females or still too young to identify. Looking for some help, please. (Excuse the fish poop!) Also, as of the past couple of days, they have been interlocking mouths for a few seconds and acting slightly more aggressively towards each other from time to time. Then other times they just swim together. Thank you!!
  3. I have one i have never seen before... Balloon Electric Blue Ram has lumps on head. Started off looking like a pimple under the skin and now has grown a bit bigger and Is raised. He has been in my hospital tank for a couple weeks and I have treated with metro thinking it might be HITH. Anything thing helps i want him back in the community
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