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  1. First and foremost, I have no idea what I’m doing. This is for me to look back on my wins and fails, apologies if I’m doing this incorrectly. (If I am please tell me where is appropriate lol) With that out of the way - my intent is to document my first foray into aquatics. June 3 2024 I began my dry start by putting down a 1” layer of lava rock, with some in panty hose to build height behind the driftwood in the back right corner. In ignorance I buried the heater underneath a thick layer the rock & soil but it’s too late to go back. I used silicone to keep the heater cord snugly in the suction cup as it kept popping out. In planting I chose monte carlo, littorella uniflora, eleocharis acicularis and java moss superglued to the larger wavy piece of driftwood.
  2. Hello again! It has been two weeks since my dry start has had water added to it. The plants are well! I have much less white mold, and I’ve been doing a 30% water change every three days since. I would like to start adding in some living creatures. I assume snails and shrimp first, but I would like some feedback on what the next step should be. Thanks so much to all who comment!
  3. I may have screwed up and I’m almost crying at the thought. I did a dry start method. Rocks, substrate and a lovely piece of driftwood that I put moss on and let it attach during the dry start. However, the wood has developed some weird mold and I have people telling me this is going to ruin my tank and I’ll be tearing it all down in a month. I am getting my stem plants this weekend and was going to flood it then. Please help! If I have screwed up, what can I do to fix this? Photo of the wood and mold for reference
  4. So I'm doing a dry start on my 75 gallon tank and today I noticed that its starting to mold on the driftwood and in the gravel.. What should I do.... Should I go ahead and flood it early?
  5. So I'm doing a dry start on my 75 gallon tank and today I noticed that its starting to mold on the driftwood and in the gravel.. What should I do.... Should I go ahead and flood it early? Does anyone have any advice
  6. Ok I posted this on the plant side but I havent gotten any replies. And I really need some advice, I'm doing a dry start on a 75 gallon tank and I'm noticing mold start on the wood and gravel.. Should I leave it or maybe flood it early or..? Anyone willing to help would be apreciated
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