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  1. I just wanted to say THANK YOU to the wonderful staff at Aquarium Co-Op!! I posted here hoping to get some of these beautiful little fish when I saw they were in stock, I also sent Candi an email. When I walked into the store today I browsed around but didn't see them so I asked where they were and the nice gentleman who helped me knew right away I was the person who had emailed and/or posted here and went and got them for me. I did not expect that the employee would already know of my inquiry. I really wish I had asked his name - sorry that I had not as he deserves a lot of credit for his great customer service. Anyway, I got my dream fish today! They are so gorgeous and healthy! I **just** got them into my quarantine tank and right away they were looking for food and found and errant black worm or two to eat. Not even colored up they are prettier than I thought they would be. Thank you so much!👏👏👏👏👏🤗
  2. I'm looking for some help with my new D. Tinwini juvinile. Here's my story. Two weeks ago I received my very first mail delivered fish. 12 danio tinwini - I've wanted this species for a long time. Only one online vendor had them in stock for the past 5 months so I got them from that source. My fish arrived (only 11 though) live and in good condition over all. I drip acclimated them to my established quarantine tank and they seemed good - except after 3 days they would not eat anything. I tried krill flakes, frozen brine, frozen community blend, bug bites...etc, etc. They seemed to smell the food and looked for it but didn't recognize the food as edible. I began suspecting that 1) these fish had only had live foods, and/or 2) they were babies who had only eaten live foods. They are pretty small at .5 inch or smaller. I sought help from a trusted source, who also identified them as Tinwini for me as I had my doubts. He helped me find a local who gave me a vinegar eel culture. My fish seemed to eat some but not as enthusiastically as I expected. By this time they were 5 days in my care and most had a varying degree of sunken belly and swollen gills. Between day 5 and 8 three of the fish died, so I added salt and the next day added Prazipro at the correct dosage for the 10 gallon tank. I tried frozen BBS and they seemed to take to those best. I also added live microworms to their diet with some success. Trying to make this a bit shorter: I have 4 viable fish of my original 11. Two of them look normal, two have sunken tummy but are eating. What else can I do for the? What should I have done differently? Water parameters: temp 77, ph 7.6, ammonia 0, nitrites 0, nitrates 5 to 0, I have quite hard water but not sure the numbers.
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