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  1. Hi everyone, I am new here, but have been lazy keeping a 10 gallon tank for a few years. About 2-3 weeks ago, I transferred from a leaking 10 gallon to another 10 gallon. Kept most tank water and filter mesh, but changed the gravel and carbon filter. Added flourish tabs under the gravel and planted with corkscrew vallisineria and elodea. Transferred 2 Otocinclus (3rd passed), 1 remaining elderly guppy (would like not to keep those any longer), 3 Harlequin rasboras, 1 assassin snail, and a few pond snails for him to eat (he may not have any left). When I noticed the Otos sucking on the val, I tossed in a fistful to float - to my daughter's dismay. She hates floaters. Tank temp is in upper 70's. Not sure temp strip or heater is very accurate. Heater set to 75 but I think it is slightly warmer. Had BBA in old tank and came along with the move. Have Excel, but never used. I was concerned about the Otos having enough to eat in the "new" tank, so had been adding pealed cucumber, fresh spinach, and recently fresh chopped Kale continually. They eat the cucumber and spinach regularly, but the Kale took a day or two. About 4 days a go we noticed the Otos had the zoomies. Never noticed before and thought it odd they waited weeks after the move if it was just stress. Tetra strips show less than 20 nitrate (still safe, but slightly pink). Incoming tap water shows some nitrate here too. No Nitrite, Very hard water, no chlorine, moderate to ideal alkalinity. Neutral PH. Read online that Otos sometimes behave this way, so did nothing. I just recently watched the Aquarium Coop video about bubbles being an indication of medication or a problem in the tank. About 3 days ago notices bubbles. Test strips showed the same results as usual. I changed only 1 gallon tank water for room temperature filtered water (filter removes chlorine). Then added Top fin bacteria starter that I had no hand for good measure. The next day I ran out to PetSmart for an API test kit, but ammonia reads 0. This morning it seamed the foam was worse. Otos still occasionally zoom, but have calm periods too. I retested, nitrate and ammonia unchanged. But foam seemed a little less after I removed the softening cucumber and final bits of spinach. I left the kale as they just seemed to start eating it. Later my husband noticed the entire water surface was covered with a thin layer of bubbles. A little later still the bubbles had increased. See attached photo. I thought maybe the bubbles deceased after I opened the tank lid to take a picture, but I was not sure. Have I just never noticed this? Does softening cucumber cause bubbles - not ammonia? What do I do? FYI I have a 39 gallon, unheated, dirted aquarium growing plants (and pond snails), but I need to redo it because I did not use a sufficient sand cap and dirt is everywhere. I plan to move the heater with the fish at some point. I'm just dreading the drain, breakdown, addition of sand, rocks, wood, plants . . . Then do I still have sufficient bacteria?
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