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  1. Got back into the hobby during the COVID quarantine. I used to keep fish when I was a kid, but wasn't very good at it--most fish died, other than a ginormous pleco that would never die and ate the flaked food upside-down from the top of the water and grew to take up my whole 10-gallon tank . When I was very young I loved watching our family aquarium and my first word was fish (pronounced "ish"). I'm up to three tanks (plus one 2.5 gallon grow-out tank with some shrimp and a bunch of algae that I don't count), all in my home office. I'm working on my wife to let me put a bigger tank in the family room. I'm trying a 35-gallon container-pond in the back yard this summer, but so far it isn't going too well. My favorite fish are danios.
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