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  1. This is my 55 gallon Asian community tank. Currently stocked with Red ruby Barbs, a 3 spot gourami and some pictus catfish(not Asian obviously lol) that are being moved to a 40 breeder in a few months to make room for yo yo loaches. The plants are not Asian. At least not all. There is some hornwort, egeria densa, dwarf saggitaria , some kind of rotala (coin leaf I think?), Triple red ludwigia, water lettuce and a tiger lotus. The plan for this tank is to eventually make a tiny fish room off the side of my bedroom so I'll eventually move these fish back there as well as the fish in my 125 gallon to make room for some rainbow fish in this tank and maybe something bigger in the 125. Going to start a journal for that one too. Let me know what you guys think. All questions and suggestions are welcomed.
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