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  1. For background, petco begrudgingly took my first 40 breeder tank back that had scratches in it when I bought it. The first one was manufactured in 2020. So, I went to a different petco while on vacation and got the best of their 8 available tanks. (The employee was very helpful in the tank selection.) The sticker on the tank says it was manufactured in 2018. When I filled it up, all of the wall seams turned half speckled white as you can see in the picture. Does anyone have tanks in service that have this type pattern when filled?
  2. I topped up the tank this afternoon with around 12 litres of water. When I placed the glass lids back on top, they almost fell in because the gap where the lid sits is now so much bigger. I then placed the plastic tops over that and they almost fell in as well. Yesterday these were perfectly flush, but now I measured 6mm gap between the middle of the lid and the front panel! I can push it back to where it was with a fair amount of force, but then it immediately flexes back as soon as I take my weight off it. Is this normal? Should I be asking for a replacement tank?
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