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  1. Hi friends! I'm in the stocking phase of my (acquirable) dream aquarium! A 75g Amazon River biotope tank! Here's my current plan but I am actively seeking feedback and advice! Centerpiece: School of angelfish (of course) Contrast: School of rummynose tetras! (I think the schooling and activity of the rummynose beside the angelfish will be visually appealing!) Top dweller/oddball: Hatchetfish (they're just neat in my opinion!) Bottom dweller/cleanup: Corydoras and BN plecos (honestly don't know enough about them to have selected a specific Cory species yet) As for plants: - Amazon sword (duh) - Amazon frogbit (any plant with Amazon in the name is mandatory, right?) - Jungle Valisineria - Scarlet Temple (that red contrast!) - S. Repens (I love crypts but they're not very Amazon so S. Repens is the next best??) - Dwarf chain sword (maybe??? idk) I really would like a more substantial cleanup crew- I'm not sure if there's much else that fits into this tank (besides snails) but would be happy to get some suggestions. So far the detrivores and scavengers are the backbone of my planted 29g. They love the decaying plant matter so much, it'd be a shame to include so much of it without any fish to enjoy it! Excited to hear everyone's experiences!
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