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Henry the fish keeper

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Status Updates posted by Henry the fish keeper

  1. You didn´t really keep your dwarf gourami for long. Why?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Henry the fish keeper

      Henry the fish keeper

      Are you going to try dwarf gourami again one day?

    3. CorydorasEthan


      Yes I was actually considering one for the 29 gallon, though I don't know how it would have worked out with the pearl gourami I already have. Keeping dwarf gourami is still on my bucket list!

    4. Henry the fish keeper
  2. How many panda corydoras can go in a ten gallon?

    1. CorydorasEthan


      I would suggest around 5 panda corydoras for a 10 gallon. This way they aren't too crowded and also feel comfortable in a group. I hope this helps!

    2. Henry the fish keeper

      Henry the fish keeper

      Thank you so much @CorydorasEthan this really helped! 

  3. Why do you have a pregnant female guppy as your profile picture..?

    1. KBOzzie59


      It's a Platy.  Because she was the mom to those Platys' eating the O-Nip tab.

    2. Henry the fish keeper
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