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Posts posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. From The previously black edges you're able to tell that it's not fin rot. Does he have any tank mates, if so, what species? It looks like he has been a victim of fin nipping. How old is he? 

    High Nitrite and Nitrate can (in my experience) cause physical damage to a fish, live plants can help to reduce those.

    High lighting can also be problematic.

    Best wishes

  2. If it's a virus, try Expel - P and see if it makes any change. Try slowly lowering down the ph (ideally to 6.2 - 6.5) to potentially kill it if it's a disease.

    On second thoughts, it looks quite like a cancer; so it may die. 😔

    The cancer may be genetic, so try not to breed the fish until the condition has passed, or...

    Best of luck


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