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Everything posted by AndreaW

  1. True! There is SO much more information, but a lot more to sort through and try to discern if it will work. I also just ordered some Nerite snails online since none of our local stores are getting any in. That was a new experience. I walked back through the doors of my LPS after 15 years and still recognized a couple faces and not too much has changed, but they do have different products on their shelves. I bought a few different plants back then but had no idea what I was doing but yes, I remember live plants seemed hard to come by. I'm trying to determine the best filtration for my Betta tank as I want enough circulation to keep the tank evenly heated, but don't want the current too strong for him to swim. I think I may need to try out a sponge filter as I keep hearing amazing things about them...
  2. I've never heard of them. I'll have to look them up! Yes, that was one thing I noticed -- sponge filters everywhere! I have yet to brave one. Air pumps and bubblers never lasted long in my tanks, they were too noisy, so I'm hesitant to go there. As far as gadgetry, I'm noticing LED lights that are programmable and sponge filters, what else?
  3. So, I've kept fish practically all my life, really got into fishkeeping about 20 years ago when I saved up as a newlywed to get a 46 gallon bowfront tank. I kept a variety of tropical fish (probably a bunch I shouldn't have kept together, but didn't know any better). I was in fish forums and was a familiar face at our local fish store. Fast forward 20 years and while I've kept the tank running all that time, I fell out of the "hobby" and now I'm back, setting up a 10 gallon planted Betta tank and I'm quickly discovering things have changed a bit in 20 years! So, tell me (for those that have been around) -- What has changed in 20 years? I hear undergravel filters are a thing of the past. I've heard some people say not to use carbon in your filters, and numerous other things that weren't being said 'back in the day.'
  4. I have one but haven't mounted it yet. I keep researching though! One day I'll get it mounted.
  5. Have you considered Corydoras? They are not solitary and prefer to school, but they are bottom dwellers and very active. They are not picky, peaceful and are quite hardy. They are omnivores and great substrate cleaners. Another consideration is your substrate. It needs to be softer with no sharp edges to injure their whiskers.
  6. 3 weeks! That's a long time to hide and how do you hide in a 3 gallon! Wish he would tell us his secrets.
  7. That's good to hear. Hopefully only the two will be affected. Anubias is my favorite by far so I'm really sad. I'll contact customer service but I'm not sure if I should get a replacement or give it time to see if all the Anubias are affected?
  8. Thanks Roy. It sounds like I'm in for it since I only have Anubias and Java -- and unfortunately Anubias is my favorite! It sounds like it might eventually kill off all the Anubias in the tank. Now the question I have is will it always affect Anubias in my tank, or should I be okay after a certain time to add more Anubias (assuming it does kill them all off)?
  9. I have only had this Anubias Barteri in my tank 2-3 weeks and it was glued to a rock, nestled between some spider wood. The rhizome was exposed. It fell apart as I was cleaning. The leaves and some of the roots are still firm but the entire rhizome is mush. My Anubias Nano Petite (Front center, also glued to a rock) had some leaves that were mushy at the base, but overall it still seems fine and the rhizome is firm. All other Anubias and Java in the tank are fine so far (I think). It was the center plant in the tank. Any idea what could have caused this? I would like to try again. Maybe there wasn't enough water circulating around the rhizome? Maybe the biofilm on the spider wood affected it?
  10. Thank you. I actually do have KH and my GH is missing so I may have to go buy a new one. My water is really hard and both were high when I last tested (it's been years since I've tested those though).
  11. I'm new to planted aquariums and have anubias and java fern in my 10 gallon tank with a Betta. What test kits beside pH, Nitrate and Phosphate should I have?
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