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  1. She has not changed, I feel bad for the poor thing.
  2. https://youtube.com/shorts/cNuCQm8PkLM?si=EeOkmalsiaCGp-ia
  3. @Guppysnail I got a video today, but apparently I can’t post a video. Not sure if it will help any but here is a pic.
  4. I tried an algae pellet I have from my local pet store, Saturday night. I will try the Kats aquatics, I have some. Never had any luck with my snails eating it before, but it’s worth a shot.
  5. I gave a family members one of my Nerite snails probably six months ago. She has a 5 gallon tank with a female betta. Everything has been fine. This weekend she messages me that she thinks something is wrong with the snail. She thought it was dead but the snail closed it’s door when she picked it up. I tested her water, everything was alright, ammonia was up a little (only enough to slightly change the color of the ACO ammonia strips). She didn’t have a lot of algae so I thought maybe the snail needed some more food. I brought the snail home so it could eat from my tanks. I put her in a floating breeder box just so I could keep an eye on her with the thought that if she crawled out then I knew she was fine. She’s still hanging on, but what I notice is that her “foot” thing doesn’t come out all the way. It’s like she wants to move based on her antenna movement, but she can’t come out all the way. She fumbles around, but doesn’t move very much. Anyone know what her problem could be?
  6. I have a glo danio who looks like it is going to burst it is so bloated. From doing some research I read it could be the bacteria that contributes to dropsy and to treat with Maracyn 2. I set up my hospital tank and just finished up my second course of Maracyn 2 with no noticeable change. Last week I was at my local fish store and the staff recommended a goldfish food that is high is fiber to help clean out its digestive system. I have seen it poop some but there was no change in body appearance. It swims fine, has never lost its appetite, and doesn’t act lethargic. The green one in the pics and video was slightly bloated so it got treated too. In total this fish has been like this for 3 weeks (2 of which were during the Maracyn 2 courses). Any thoughts on what I should do?
  7. I have a quarantine tank so 1 tablespoon per gallon?
  8. Yeah, it is. But if you zoom in you see this faint whitish line that outlines his body. In person it looks like his scales are popped out slightly. That’s what’s causing the “fuzzy” look
  9. I’ve had this guy almost a year. He used to be in my community tank, but then I ended up to a “bachelor tank” (male guppies and endlers) in like February. The guys all chase each other around a little bit but none of them get singled out or anything. Noticed him kind of hiding and trying to stay out of the way yesterday. I caught him up and put him in my floating breeder box, thinking at first he might be getting targeted and needs a break. On further inspection the best way for me to describe it is he looks fuzzy all over. Like he’s lost weight, but he’s eating fine, when he sees me he comes to the front. He seems ok, but he looks like hell.
  10. @Stef OMG yes it stinks. They weren’t kidding when they said the smell is distinct. @nabokovfan87 So the tank isn’t near a window, but it is near another tank so maybe it got extra light from the other tank. What I ended up doing because that tank was coming down anyway: I threw away the substrate because I didn’t like it anyway. I put the sponge filter and decorations in a bucket of peroxide and water. After 24 hours I rinsed it off, then did another soak in peroxide and water for another 24 hours. Lastly I filled the tank with water and added peroxide. Tonight I’m going to empty it and probably redo it again. Everything still stinks so maybe I will put the sponge filter and decorations in Maracyn.
  11. @Gamegurl bleach scares me, but I did google to see if there was a peroxide version and there is. Thank you for the idea though lol
  12. I have a 5 gallon tank that I’m almost positive has an outbreak of Cyanobacteria (see pics below). Last night I moved the betta to his new setup (pre-planned) and dosed the tank with chemiclean the best I could since the directions are for a 10 gallon tank. Today I was thinking about how all I want from this tank is the sponge filter and the plants. The decorations will be cleaned and put away for another time, and I’ll probably just throw away the sand. I plan on sterilizing everything with peroxide. My question is….if I just scrub all the Cyanobacteria off of the plant, will it grow back and infect my other tanks? Is there a way for me to “sterilize” the plants without killing them? Any other tips on dealing with Cyanobacteria is appreciated.
  13. @nabokovfan87 Just saw your comments. So far the other fish that were with the Betta are fine. They don’t seem bothered. My “big” tank (20 gallons) is in the other room. So if it comes to it I could put that tank in the other room too. It’s funny how only a few feet difference can change everything. Not included in that picture is a betta tank that makes an L shape with that 10 gallon along the wall and he does fine in that spot
  14. It’s just so frustrating I’ve never had Bettas die so easily on me before. My other Bettas are fine. So I guess I have to move the tank lol BTW you are the reason I got back into fish keeping. I binged watched your videos during the winter of 2021-2022 and realized everything I was doing that was harming my fish in the past and also making my life so much harder (for example my maintenance equaled emptying and scrubbing everything) 🫢 I cringe thinking about it now.
  15. Is there such thing as a TV being too close to a tank, in the sense of a fish’s health. I have had some bad luck recently with Bettas in this ONE tank. I know it could be coincidence but pushing aside normal concerns of temperature/water parameters/food/etc (all those are fine) could my TV be effecting my fish? Im just stumped as to why this one tank has had 2 bettas die in a matter of a few months. AND it’s only the bettas. The other fish seem fine. This is a pic of how close they are. My husband and I don’t watch a lot of TV, sometimes we play games, but it’s not like we have the volume blasting.
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