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Posts posted by GinkoTracks

  1. On 3/25/2023 at 9:21 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

    I'm wondering if the low pH is too acidic for him if his scales are being effected. That was my thought. Acidic water does stave off bacterial issues typically so it shouldn't be bacterial. However, I like to keep my Bettas in 7 pH range. I've never kept a Betta in that low a number so it makes me wonder. 

    Try and get more pics if you can, others may take a gander and have other ideas or experience with what's going on here. 

    It could be: I’ve had issues with tanks having way too hard water even though I use RODI, so it could be that I did not put enough remineralizer in his tank last time. I plan to do a water change for him today, so I’ll fix that 


    i took a bunch of close up’s of him last night, so hopefully they can help discern whether or not he actually has velvet 


    he never had those black markings on his face and gills and the odd scale or two when I got him, but they might’ve shown up after his bout with dropsy. Regardless they don’t seem to be hurting him, so hopefully it’s nothing















  2. On 3/25/2023 at 6:54 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

    Hi there @GinkoTracks. Sorry about your Betta. However if he truly had Dropsy you're the only one I know that got their to survive, so kudos to you and him.

    I'm not sure about the yellow, as far as I can see on the pics it's just discoloration. Does it have a different texture are scales missing is there anything coming off of those patches at all or does it look like the rest of him?

    Also, are those the parameters he's always lived in? Buffer, pH seems a bit low, and no Nitrate is unusual unless you have a super heavy plant load. 

    I ask, if he's always lived in those parameters that helps me maybe go another direction. 

    Thank you! To be honest I’m not sure how I (or he) did it lol. I treated him very heavily, since I recognized dropsy from when it killed my last fish. The treatment didn’t seem to work, so I put him back in his tank in a fish breeder mesh cage so the shrimp wouldn’t bother him. Than he just. Didn’t die xD. I like to joke hes either too stupid to die or decided to not to because he realized he wouldn’t have food anymore lol. 

    it’s very hard to tell - it doesn’t really look like the particulate dusting in the picture you showed. But it MIGHT look like some scales are coming off on his head - I can see the edge. Maybe. I’m not really sure what to be looking for in the case of scales coming off.


    i think his pH fluctuates a bit, but no nitrates is the norm for that tank. It is very heavily planted. 

    should I see if I can get some more pictures close up? To see if I can get some more details? 

  3. Hi there all,


    im posting here out of concern for my fish Boo, who has developed some yellowish patches on his find while I was away on vacation. There has been a yellow patch on his head for a while now, but since it didn’t seem to be spreading and his behavior seemed normal, I thought it might be coloration change. Now it has gotten darker, and I’m not so sure anymore.


    he was a little lethargic earlier today, but seems to be back to his normal self after I fed him. 

    im a Little wary of treating him unnecessarily, since he had a bout with dropsy about a year ago that he somehow survived. I don’t know what his body can and can’t handle drug wise, but I also don’t want to not treat him when I should.

    i have most meds on hand, if necessary. If I could treat him in his tank with something invert and plant safe that would be ideal. He’s a pain in the butt to catch! 






  4. On 3/4/2023 at 5:46 PM, Colu said:

    It difficult to diagnose what's going off your pictures usually when you get odd deaths every now then the fish start gradually death over a long period of time I more likely to be a parasitic infection columnaris causes mass mortality in any were from 24hr to 7days depending on the strain and spreads more quickly at higher have you notice any rapid breathing listlessness hanging near the surface flashing spitting food out sunken belly @GinkoTracks

    Completely understandable! 

    I feel that perhaps I saw that in the one fish I couldn’t find again, but otherwise no, I have not seen anything of the sort that I can remember

  5. On 2/26/2023 at 11:05 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    What is the temp on this tank...?


    What is your PH and other parameters?  For columnaris, photos really would help out.

    Try doing a video.  Feeding might get the fish out. 


    On 2/27/2023 at 6:42 AM, Colu said:

    A little more information would be helpful what are your water parameters can you post a picture of the sick fish any red patches or white lips on any of your fish @GinkoTracks


    On 2/27/2023 at 11:18 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

    I've dealt with columnaris. This is what it looked like on my black neons.



    There are 2 threads I had going at different points in time, if you'd like to browse them.  Columnaris thread 1 😷  Columnaris Thread 2 🤒

    Columnaris is called saddleback disease because the patch on the back is a common symptom.

    I agree w/ @nabokovfan87 and @Colu : Please share pictures, temp, and tank parameters so we can confirm the illness before attempting any treatment.  If you suspect illness I would highly recommend moving that fish out to quarantine asap regardless of what illness, so that it doesn't spread.  Also at this time do not share equipment (nets, siphons, etc)  between the tanks, and wash your hands thoroughly after each tank. If it is columnaris, it can spread from tank to tank on equipment or hands.

    Hey there y’all, so sorry for the delayed response! This semester has really been kicking me in the butt, on top of me not feeling good myself lately 

    I finally got the water change done this Thursday, so I’m very sorry for the delay.

    I have attached some pictures of the fish in the tank, as well as the results of the water tests, which I will also type out for ease of reading 

    ammonia: 0

    nitrites: 0 

    nitrates: 0-5

    pH: 7.8? 

    Kh: 3 

    Gh: 10


    I poked and prodded around the aquarium as much as I could, but unfortunately I just couldn’t seem to get that fish to come out.  It seems to have disappeared altogether.


    which honestly seems to be something of a running trend in this tank. The fish that are swimming around seem fine, but the numbers slowly dwindle until there’s hardly anyone left. I wonder if, if it is columnaris or some other illness, the sick fish hide until they die, and shrimp eat the remains, making it seem like fish are just disappearing? 


    Should I treat this tank for something, or wait until I can perhaps catch a picture of another ill fish? 













  6. Hey there all! 

    So I have a 30 gal freshwater tank. I fill my tank with RODI water remineralized with Salty Shrimp GH/KH. Its running on a sachem tidal rated for a 50gal tank, and I do water changes ~ every two weeks, though with school I'm not as good at that as I wish I could be (grad school is VERY BUSY). I check the water every so often with both test strips and the API water kit, and basically every time I have the same readings - no ammonia, no nitrates, no nitrites, ph is SKY HIGH. KH is always very low, and the GH is usually like around 16. 

    Now, for the fish. I have quite a few fish in there (5-6 tetras, 8? kohl loaches, several otocinclus, 2 CPD and lots of shrimp and snails), but for a while i had been wondering if some have been going missing (a few months ago I got 5 ottos to fill out my school since I only had two, and now I'm back to two again, I got some neon tetras around the same time a while ago, and i think i may be missing one, etc). The fish in question is a celestial pearl danio, who is now in a school of two. The other CPD is a big bully who i believe bullied the rest to death - either way, I haven't seen them for a while. 

    I saw the victim CPD hanging out at the top of the tank very briefly tonight. He wasn't swimming right (he looked a bit top-heavy), and it looked like there was a large, pale looking patch on his back - almost a V-shape. I tried my best to catch him, or even get a better view or picture of him, but he escaped into the plants quickly, and my tank is very heavily planted. 

    I'll be doing a water change and updating this post with water values tomorrow, but what do you guys think? Should I treat for columnaris? Or should I wait and see what happens?

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  7. Here are the parameters! I use RODI water and remineralize with salty shrimp gh/kH. I don’t know why the pH is always so high, especially when the other parameters are normal, but it’s stayed a persistent problem for me, even after switching to rodi. I try to do filter maintenance every month.


  8. Hello everyone! I'm new! And I have a problem. 

    I have a 7 gallon planted tank with 2 amanos, a few neos, a nerite, some pest snails I can't get rid of, and a Betta. I've had this tank for over a year, and my last fish, Punkin, had been doing great in it until she started doing what I can only call coughing. You can see it in this video. 

    I tried to treat with ich-x, since I've heard that ich can attach to the gills and cause irritation, but she did not react well to it. She almost seemed to have a seizure in response to it, even though Im pretty sure I've dosed her with it before. Regardless, I dosed two times, she had the same terrifying reaction, and quit. After that, I simply tried to treat her with daily water changes. But she didn't get better. It turned into dropsy, which I tried to treat in a hospital tank first with a trifecta of kanaplex, metroplex, and focus, then with maracyn and maracyn2. She didn't get better, and I ended up euthanizing her a few weeks after all this started (SIP Punkin - I miss you sweet girl). 


    Which brings me to now. I reorganized the tank but didn't treat it, convinced at the time that maybe Punkin had died of something genetic. I ordered a new fish after about two weeks, and placed him in there (at this point the tank had been without fish or a heater, though the shrimp and stuff were still in there, for about two weeks, and with a heater but no fish for about a week). It didn't take long for him to start showing the same coughing symptom. I consulted reddit and fishlore, concluded it might be gill flukes (though I'm very open to being wrong, i just want to figure out what's going on at this point), and tried to treat with prazipro. I've treated twice now (1.7 mLs each time, 7 days apart), and thought I was in the clear.


    Until I saw him cough again today. So clearly I'm not. Which also led me to realize that much of what he's been doing lately in the tank is getting stuck swimming around the pieces of wood i have in the tank, which could be because he's itchy, and not endearingly stupid like I had thought. His pectoral fins have also been kind of ragged, which I had assumed was because of transit at first, but its been at least a few weeks and hasn't gotten any better, so I'm starting to think that might be an issue as well. I unfortunately haven't been able to get a good video of him coughing, but it looks almost identical to the Punkin video. That being said, I've included a few videos that show his fins and the scratching behavior pretty well, so long as you don't mind having a staring contest with a fish lol. 


    I really just want to figure out what to do. I don't want to lose another fish so soon. I have a bucket I could use as a hospital tank around, and I have plenty of meds. I'm even willing to tear down the tank and start fresh, especially since Winter break is around the corner - I would have time then. 


    BTW will post values before the end of the night - still have some last minute studying to do, then I can test the water. Also if need be, I can link the fishlore and reddit threads I've started on this issue too, if they will provide more information. 

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