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James V.

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Posts posted by James V.

  1. On 5/4/2022 at 9:58 AM, Kristinn said:

    Cyprichromis leptosoma are a nice option as they stay close to the surface, opposite of the multies. They even breed up top as well, pretty cool. It is considered somewhat of a classic combo, multies and cyprichromis. The cyps are easy to care for but they don't ship well so if you order them from a considerable distance I would recommend ordering a few extra just in case.

    Wow those fish are so pretty! I’ve never heard of them before. I’m going to do some research thank you!

    have you ever kept them? Is there anything I should know about them?


    (edit) one question I have is how many do you think I could get in a 40B tank?

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  2. I’m moving my little colony of Multies (Neolamprologus multifasciatus) from a 20L gallon to a 40B and I was thinking of having some other fish in there with them.

    I just want something that will do ok in there and will add some movement to the tank. Do any of you have suggestions? There will be some water lettuce in the tank so whatever I get will have a little bit of cover.

    I was thinking a school of rummynose tetras? But I don’t know how they would do with Multies 

  3. I came back from Vacation and one of my Congo tetras has what looks like a wound on both his sides 😬. I’m going to isolate him. How would you treat him? I don’t have much experience treating fish. It also looks like he has gotten some kind of infection, he has some white bumps on his body and tail. Is it ich? All the other fish in his tank are fine and healthy, I think we just got injured.



  4. Okay so I just picked up a rimless 5.5 gallon tank that was on sale at Petco, and I was thinking of trying out this filter from Fluval

    Fluval Nano Aquarium Filter https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004BZKDZC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_5S47FNPE3MCNDN1A84M8

    Have any of you had one? Do you think it’s to big for a 5.5, there are mixed reviews about that?

    Have any of you had one of these?


  5. Good luck with your breeding project! 

    I got 5 CPD’s a few months back, but two died so I was left with 1 male and 2 females.

    They were in a 10 gallon planted tank with my betta, but a few months after I got them the betta died (he got caught behind my heater)

    so I decided to take the fish and equipment out of that tank and move it to  a different one. About a week later I look into that original tank and I see TINY TINY baby cpd’s, they hatched without a filter or heater (the water was in the mid 50s)

    The little tank they were in was covered in algae.


    I didn’t really have to feed them at all because of all the infusoria and little critters in there, until they were a few few weeks old then I started feeding Baby Brine, first bites, crushed up flake, freeze dried daphnia.

    Now it’s been a little over a month and I love these little guys. It’s hard to get a picture but they are starting to get some Orange and some spots.



    I don’t know if these accidental fry help but maybe it will lol.

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