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Jeremy B

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Posts posted by Jeremy B

  1. 3 minutes ago, Cory said:

    I've never seen one clog as well. We have hundreds in use for a very long time. I'd be interested in seeing in what scenario it clogged?

    I had mine clamped down for fine bubbles running off my air loop(LPH45 pump installed this week), pulled line from valve to find full air pressure. Reattached line and loosened air stone to get full flow again. It was in use 2-3 weeks? Worked great until it didn't and works great now that I fiddled with it a bit.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Pete said:

    That's wild. Yes they unscrew. Never seen one clog. I run several and have had them up and going for about a year. Can you post a photo of it? I can't see how it could clog unless you did something strange with it, and even then taking it apart and giving it a simple cleaning should restore it to full function. 

    I just recently had one clog as well, just unscrewed a bit and all is working now.

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    • Thanks 1
  3. Room temp - 78 PH - 7s, Ammonia - 0, Nitrite - 0, Nitrate - 0. tested with API liquid test kit. Planted 120 Gallon tank with trickle filter sump(Bioballs), and poret foam.

    Tankmates- 4 Bristlenose pleco, ?20 cherry barbs, 8 kuhli loaches, 3 panda gara, 2 bronze corys, and 4 SAEs. I have ottos+cherry shrimp in another tank(40g) on the same sump. Fairly low stocking I think.

    So far I've had several Cherry barbs, 1 panda gara, and 1 otto die randomly. Some signs of gasping gills and rushing to the surface for air from these specific fish(You can tell they were struggling to do so). I originally thought I had to much flow for the barbs but as I've now lost an otto and a gara I'm more concerned this isn't the issue(The otto tank is much lower flow). I have installed a ball valve and lowered the flow a good amount just in case this contributed. All of these fish were in quarantine for about 2 months before adding them together in the 120 with no deaths. I'm attaching pictures of a dead gara and a live barb that's struggling. All other fish show no signs of illness at the moment.

    Any ideas on how to proceed would be great, not trying to have the fish slowly die off.



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  4. I want to say I heard Cory say something about feeding freshwater clams (maybe it was filter feeding shrimp?) with First Bites but I could be entirely mistaken... I listen at work so I zone out at times. I have kept some freshwater clams but have had the same experience as Daniel, they eventually die off due to what I believe was starvation. Hopefully Cory will chime in with some good advice as I would love to keep one myself if I wasn't going to starve it.

  5. 1 hour ago, siniardem said:

    Very pretty! Is this something I can usually find pretty local in Georgia?

    I'd imagine you'd be able to find it local. If you don't want to try running all around town check out Hirts Gardens. I've ordered _lots_ of plants from them during covid and all have shown up healthy! Shipping is based on weight so I always hunt out the 2.5" pots and grow the plants out myself.

  6. 1 hour ago, siniardem said:

    Really love these ideas, but where would you get the plant light? I do have a shelf over the aquarium and an extra fluval light that is a screw on, but idk if that would be enough.

    I'm just using your standard t8 shoplight with T8 LED tubes for energy savings. Any light that throws a decent brightness should work. I'm not sure how bright the fluval you have is, but you could try it and if the plants aren't looking healthy just upgrade. If you want something branded for plants I know home depot has some in my local lighting section, even some on clearance right now.

  7. 9 hours ago, NoobieFish said:

    True enough, but how many people do you know that has the bad luck of having the bottom fall out of a tank. I guess Im paranoid now.

    I am wondering if the silicone has weakened over the past 10 years being exposed to air rather than water. I wonder which is more harsh on silicone. I guess its not an immediate leak that concerns me, but whether there is an increased chance of a near term leak.


    Honestly I don't know of anyone who's had a major tank failure. They've all been stories from online with unknown variables. I've been in the hobby since 17(33 now), and I think I've had a total of 4 failures... I've owned well into 100 tanks with 50 on hand. I've got tanks with corner cracks too, people wouldn't run that I just epoxy and run, no issues yet.

    It kinda sounds like you should just give the tank away and buy an acrylic if its going to worry you so much, peace of mind and all.

    • Haha 1
  8. 2 hours ago, TifNee837 said:

    @siniardem there is a filter actually for this! It is called Elive AquaDuo. It is designed to be used as a 'normal' filter, OR used with plants 😊 I just learned about this filter myself (i found one on Facebook Marketplace and got it!) i have not gotten to try it out yet though!

    They only come in sizes for a 10 and 20 gallon though I believe.


    Anywho - 

    To add onto the answers already posted - I have Lucky Bamboo and Hosta as well as Pothos in my HoBs. My best friend has spiderplants in hers.

    Peace Lily is another popular one I have seen, as well

    Had no idea you could do Hosta like that, gonna give that a shot next! ty.

  9. While this might not work for you in the low light situation, halfman halfcichlid on youtube has a nice video on the plants he's using to attempt a low nitrate or no nitrate african cichlid tank. I've setup something very similar on two different tanks and love it. I'm using philodendron, pothos, lucky bamboo, spider plant, aquatic mint, cucumber plant, aloe vera and snake plant. I still need to cut off some of my monstera plant to try adding that aswell. I will try to upload a picture in a few minutes-picture should be up.. not the prettiest setup but it'll clean the water! Its also perfect to root out plant cuttings if you're into houseplants.


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  10. I have a 55 gallon from 1993 still going strong with no issues, I don't believe it was always kept temp controlled. Almost all my tanks are used with no idea how they were kept and so far I've only had 4 leakers out of 50? I found them leaking after purchase. No major failures just drips. Level it well and run it in my opinion.

  11. 5 minutes ago, ReNae said:

    Thanks for this link! I like this idea but I'm not sure if my DIY skills are this good!😂 If I could make something like this as a floor light on each side with adjustable lights on each pole, that would be golden!

    A ratcheting PVC cutter will give ya all the skills ya need to pull this off, once you start building with PVC you won't stop so give it a try! If it doesn't work out you're out very little money. Lengths of PVC pipe are around $6 last I checked, and that's about 10ft. The T fittings and elbow fittings are less than $5 each, and you could spray paint it black if you end up liking it

  12. On 9/17/2020 at 4:14 PM, ReNae said:

    @ChefConfitThanks for the tip! I am looking for some that can hang from a stand so they will be closer to the pond than the chandelier because the ceiling is so high.

    So you could attach a hook to the ceiling and use a chain to set the height of the light, allowing for any distance you want and you don't risk kicking it over like I know I would with a floor light 🤣. I've used regular two bulb fluorescent shop lights over my 150 gallon rubbermaid tub and its about the same size as my 300 gallon tub depth wise. The ones I picked up have slots in the top of the lights to slide S hooks in to attach chain. Maybe just use two spaced out since the 300 is a decent bit wider?

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