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Posts posted by Zac

  1. On 11/11/2021 at 3:22 PM, Leo2o915 said:

    If it’s heavily planted you should be good but they are predators if you have shrimp and snails it will eat them 

    Yeah I have a quarantine tank with shrimp in it so I might have to skip quarantine. They’re fake plants too but I’m slowly exchanging them with live plants. I just want to make sure the fast fish don’t out compete it for food and that it won’t nip at my cichlid 

  2. I’m thinking of getting a pea puffer for my last fish in my 29 gallon. I have 5 lemon tetras, 8 ember tetras, 7 king blue tetras, 4 Pygmy corys, a clown pleco, and a cockatoo cichlid. It’s a decently decorated tank with a heavily planted side and then a bit more of an open side. I know they won’t bother the tetras but what about the cichlid? Also, how can I make sure he gets food from the faster moving fish? I was thinking of feeding flake food first to the other fish and then throwing in a little bit of brine shrimp or blood worms after for the puffer.

  3. I have a pair of apistos in a 29 gallon and one of them is a bit aggressive towards the other. This has been an ongoing issue since I’ve gotten them. One roams around and forces the other into a corner. There’s plenty of caves and plants to each have their own territory. But one has managed to claim the whole tank….multiple times. I’ve tried rearranging. I don’t have a box for a “time out”. I have a 10 gallon shrimp tank but he’ll eat my baby shrimp that are in there. I’d rather not give him up but I’m getting fed up with the aggression. Any suggestions on how I can stop it? A 29 gallon should easily be able to hold 2 apistos. I’ve attached a picture of my setup.


  4. On 11/7/2021 at 10:28 PM, laritheloud said:

    How often are you feeding bloodworms? I wouldn't offer them more then twice a week and withhold other food when feeding bloodworms, maybe add in some spirulina-and-invertebrate-based flakes (Fluval Bug Bites makes a good one ime) and/or some frozen daphnia into the rotation. Tetras definitely tend to pig out on bloodworms. 😆 Good luck, I hope you'll find the right combo to help your fish!

    I usually feed them once a week. I haven’t fed them in quite a while haha. Thanks though!

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  5. On 11/7/2021 at 8:51 PM, GardenStateGoldfish said:

    As laritheloud said, I think it’s either the amount or type of food your feeding. Some fish foods are harder to digest or have more fillers which can create temporary swim bladder disorder. If it is a more aggressive eater and eating to much it could have food/ consitipation pushing on its swim bladder which causes the floating. 


    I’m pretty sure it is the second one. I would think that if there was a problem with the food then more fish would be experiencing issues. I just feed tetra flakes and frozen brine shrimp and bloodworms. So there shouldn’t be a huge issue there. He’s just a pig haha

  6. Hey all,

    I have a few king blue tetras and one of them is a super competitive eater. He tends to suck in a lot of air when he eats which in turn causes him to float to the surface. I know it’s not swim bladder because I’ve had these fish for a month or so and I ran meds through the tank for potential gill flukes a couple weeks ago. I don’t want to feed the fish peas every other day because that’s just a bad idea haha. The floating usually goes away after a couple hours or maybe a little more after eating and he’s usually fine by the next feeding. Is this behavior something I should be concerned about? Can it end up causing long term damage?


  7. This is just my opinion but honestly it looks like you did way too much. A 30% water change very day for a sick fish is bound to stress it out a lot. Everyone has their own method tho. If it were me I would’ve just added meds to the 40 gallon right away and follow the treatment instructions along with adding the salt. That’s just me though. Sorry for your loss 😞

  8. On 11/4/2021 at 4:34 PM, lefty o said:

    here's my questions. how long has the tank been up and running, and do you have any plants in it? pretty much all pleco's are poop machines. if you do semi regular water changes with a light gravel vac , the tank should accommodate it on its own if you have plants, all the better as they are excellent filters themselves, and all that pleco poop that gets down into the gravel becomes fertilizer.

    The tank has been running since mid September so it should by cycled by now. I don’t have live plants but I want to get some within the next month or so. As of now I’m going to start doing weekly water changes with a thorough gravel vac and hope that can stabilize things


    On 11/4/2021 at 12:44 PM, Colu said:

    What type of filter are you using it might not enough to cope with the amount of waste your fish are producing I would do a 25% water change every week and dose with prime if your consistently seeing ammonia 

    I have a seachem tidal 35. Should I consider upgrading?

  10. Hey y’all,

    I have a clown pleco that produces a lot of waste. Like probably more than all of the other 20 something fish  I have in my 30 gallon (don’t worth it isn’t overstocked but it’s probably at about max capacity). Anyways, as I said, clown pleco produces a ton of waste. He hasn’t been producing this much waste until probably the past couple of weeks or so. He is healthy. This waste seems so cause my ammonia to fluctuate anywhere from 0-.25 I’d say with .25 being the worst. It’s usually about at .1 and then drops back down to 0 within a day or so. I know this isn’t normal. And the waste produces what I would assume to be either protein foam or ammonia foam around the perimeter of the tank but it doesn’t stink like protein foam. Obviously I can’t vacuum out the waste every day. Will my tank eventually get accustomed to this waste? Or should I consider doing a 5 gallon water change/gravel vacuum weekly?

  11. I’m looking to attempt to breed some discus. The only thing I’ve ever bred before was shrimp haha. And you may ask…why breed one of the more challenging fish for a first? Well, I’m mainly looking to keep them and set up breeding conditions and if they breed then great! I’m probably going to keep around 10 in a 75 gallon with maybe a Pleco just for some cleanup duty. So anyways, I have a few questions:

    -Where should I buy my discus?

    -How many males per female? I was thinking 2 males and 8 females.

    -Do I need to introduce them all at the same time? Will it overload a cycled tank if I do?

    -Do discus need plants or flat surfaces for eggs? (I think it’s flat surfaces)

    -Do I need to remove the fish or eggs once they are laid?

    -Can I raise the fry in the same tank? Will I need to move them into a different tank before I offload them to a store?

    -What are some recommended fry foods other than live baby brine?

    -What size should I grow them to before I give them or sell them to a pet store?

    Those are all the questions I could think of. If anyone else has other important info let me know!

  12. On 10/28/2021 at 6:15 PM, Guppysnail said:

    I apologize for the quick post earlier but was interrupted and wanted to share that info. One thing I have found recently since raising pleco babies  is once so much food etc is dissolved in my water even though all parameters test great is I get that foamy stuff. I do a flush (a series of 2-3 back to back water changes) to rid the tank of it. It is the only time I have seen that outside of the things mentioned in the coop video I posted. 

    I’m assuming the small amount I have isn’t an issue correct? If I reduce feeding to once a day and do a regular water change schedule, should it go away assuming the food is the cause?

  13. On 10/28/2021 at 1:56 PM, StockEwe49 said:

    I agree with @Atitagain about the surface agitation, maybe there just isn't a lot? They could also be coming from pearling plants, but I would guess it is more from the HOB and then the bubbles just sit there. They look fairly large that's why I wouldn't think it would be from pearling.

    I can safely say it’s not pearling because I don’t have live plants at the moment but nonetheless now I know what to look out for with real plants when I get them!

    • Haha 1
  14. On 10/28/2021 at 12:44 PM, Atitagain said:

    Have you used any meds lately? Sometimes they can cause bubbles, although those don’t look like med bubbles. They look like just bubbles made by your HOB that haven’t popped yet. And it looks like you don’t have much surface agitation other than the flow of your HOB. Maybe try air stone or a small circulator pointed at the surface of the water to create agitation. 

    I thought about that and yeah I treated it about 2 weeks ago. But I’ve done 1 20% water change, 1 10%, and 1 50%/gravel vac. So I don’t think the meds are the issue anymore. I could try an air stone but honestly my biggest question was just wondering what they were. If they get worse I’ll hook up an air stone and see if that helps 

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  15. (Yes I’m aware I posted this in the wrong area haha) First of all, don’t mind the dirty water cuz I just took the basket out of my HOB filter and squeezed out the media. Anyways, as you can see in the picture, I have bubbles on the surface of my tank. I don’t think it’s protein foam because water parameters are fine and I just did a thorough gravel vac yesterday. I know the bubbles can also be caused by dirty media (hence why I squeezed out the media in my filter) but my filter has only been up for maybe a month because it’s a new filter. Also I know they can be caused by disturbances in the water’s surface. I’ve had these here for a good 2 weeks probably and they don’t really get any worse than this…but they’re ugly and if I can get rid of them I would like to. But if I can’t, oh well. Anyone know how I can get rid of these if I can?


  16. I have a cockatoo cichlid that had some very strange behavior earlier. It only lasted like a minute and then he snapped back to reality. What happened was he went from totally fine to kind of just resting his body at the bottom of the tank, he kind of moved moved his body like a snake or some type of eel. Like a slithering motion. His breathing seemed shallow but rapid. It also seemed like his body was curved downwards a little bit. This lasted for about a minute and then it’s like nothing happened. He’s back swimming around, eating just fine, no back arch or odd body movements. Does anyone know what on earth that was? 

  17. Definitely looks like ich. A fungus would probably be a bit more fuzzy. TDS and stuff shouldn’t matter too much. I’d just continue with treatment. One thing I’ve learned is don’t over stress. Just do the treatment and definitely don’t do too much because you’ll drive yourself crazy. If it’s not gone after ich treatment maybe treat for fungus?

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